Sunday, April 29, 2018

2018 Yearbook

2018 yearbooks coming soon! Thank you to the yearbook staff for helping create another spectacular yearbook. Thank you Tom and Joe for creating this silly commercial. 

Yearbook Cover Preview. Painting by Mariam Goenner. Inner contents remain a secret!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Digital Portfolio Websites

In my photography and digital art classes we've been creating final portfolio websites of the work they create during the semester. There are some pretty neat images they complete hidden within these web pages. Some of the websites may be more complete than others. Check out some of their creations!

Fall 2016 Photography 


Srping 2017 Digital Art

Fall 2017 Photography

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Filmmaking Group Project - Sandwich Land

The last project for the Spring 2017 Filmmaking class was to make a short narrative movie. The entire class helped to create this odd little movie. It's sort of a twist on Alice in Wonderland. Senior Shelby is such a wonderful actor. 

Behind the Scenes Photos

Sand Mandalas

I had my cultural art class learn a little about Buddhism and mindfulness. We explored the art of Tibetan Sand Mandalas and used it inspiration for our own sand mandalas on 12x12" cardboard. Of course, ours were not made to be destroyed because we glued the sand down, so the concept was not completely the same. They did turn out absolutely beautiful. It is a really relaxing and fun project. 

Sam T. and her excruciating detail.
The finished product is beautiful also. 

Erinn W.

Kaleigh L.

Kaylee L. 

Madisen P. 

Marriah S. 

Paige T. 

Danielle Z. 

Camera Obscura

I am always so proud of my photography class. Some days they just aren't feeling it, but many days they show me photographs that simply amaze me. At the beginning of the year we were figuring out how cameras worked. We created a giant camera obscura from the computer lab window and a white sheet. It actually worked for the most part. The flipped image was a little blurry, but you could still see things happening.
We taped up black paper and garbage bags to conceal the window. There is a tiny hole in the bottom left corner. 

I had some students go outside and see if we could view them from our projector. This is looking through the window hole. 

 The white sheet made a good canvas to see what was happening. The image stayed blurry, which could be caused by multiple factors (aperture size, distance, brightness).  Overall we made a pretty good projector.

Last year we made pinhole projectors from Pringles cans. That also worked pretty well on bright days. 

Monday, October 30, 2017

Tinga Tinga Inspired MN Paintings

In the Cultural Arts class we go country by country creating art inspired by a style of the area. In this project we looked up African Tinga Tinga paintings and mixed the African style with Minnesota animals. Students learned how to create a gradient background and paint using a stylized cartoon rendering. 

Tyrus F.

Erinn W. 

Kaleigh L. 

Madisen P.

Marriah S. 

Paige T. 

Jacinda K. 

 Sam T. 

Kaylee L. 

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Master Copies

Students attempt to copy the masters. Sometimes the best way to learn is to copy, until you can do it for yourself. Can you figure out what artist they are replicating?

Ashton O.

Bekah T.

Josie M. 

Finn S. 

Kaycee J.

Nina K.

Jenna C.

Terrance S.